Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I stand in the train yard studying
the trains as they arrive and depart
reflecting out loud
about days gone by
and how I am haunted
by a paler version of a better night
tucked beneath the stars
and smashed against the rails,
a crisp midnight that has become
my emotional response
to everything,
and yet I heard nothing
but a waste of words falling into,
pelting the engines like heavy rain.

And when it rains like this,
it pools between the steel parallels,
floods the yard,
the rush of water stopping
the trains, swelling
garbage and oil around me
as I begin to wade
in this newly formed river,
body saturated,
thinking how a river like this
should flow faster than the Hudson,
should force past me,
knock me down,
drown my failures in an audible roar.

About Ariana D. Den Bleyker:
Ariana D. Den Bleyker is a Pittsburgh native currently residing in a small town in New York where she is a wife and mother of two. She earned her B.A. in English from William Paterson University. Her work has appeared (or is slated to appear) in scissors and spackle, Stone Highway Review, Golden Sparrow Literary Magazine, Grey Sparrow Press and other fine journals. Her chapbook, Forgetting Aesop, was recently released by the publishers of scissors and spackle.

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