Wednesday, August 3, 2011


there is no formal harmony
between women and men

we do and are done to
some of us, our best
others are cruel and vindictive

often our intellect tells us we
are not strong, that

we have stepped too far
or are heading off the tracks, and

at times we are derailed
the moment we see the cliff’s edge

when there is no support
for the children

just rock, paper, scissors
and tough love,

we tell ourselves
that they will be victorious

we won’t know
until we see our lives
with the clarity of hindsight

and maybe there is
no genuine truth

no paths to pursue
no tracks to follow

no destination to reach
no chalice to acquire

manifestation is a new age fallacy
and it is just another august

About Heather Brager:
Heather Brager is a professional multi-tasker, mother and life-long procrastinator. While she collaborates and co-habitates with writer A.g. Synclair in southwestern Montana, she thinks far too much and drinks copious quantities of Americanos, or gin and diet tonic with a twist. Her writing and art have been published in a variety of online and print publications, including ETC with the Journal of Semantics, Deep Tissue Magazine, Red Fez, Microw (Full of Crow), The Montucky Review, Triggerfish Critical Review, A Handful of Stones, Mad Swirl, Three Line Poetry, Unlikely Stories and Heroin Love Stories.